Alex October (Aleksei N. Nazarenko) (born on 20 of October 1985, Leningrad, USSR) — russian based philosopher, researcher of culture and media-communications, photo and video artist, phd (cand. sci.) in cultural studies.


The basic education in the specialty “Political Science” was recieved in 2008 by completing studies at the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Politics at the Philosophical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.

The additional education in Public Relation was recieved at the RUDN University in the early beggining of 2010s.

Studied Social Philosophy at Polytechnic University under the guidance of prof. V. P. Goryunov and Cultural Studies at St. Petersburg Institute of Culture under the guidance of prof. N. N. Suvorov.

University affiliations

2008–2016 — professing at the Department of Philosophy and History of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
2017–2018 — professing at the Department of Social and Human Sciences at ITMO University
2020–2021 — professing at the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Culturology in Makarov State University of the Sea and River Fleet.
Since 2019 — professing at the Department of Philosophy in Pushkin Leningrad State University.

Research interests

Ontology, philosophy of culture, mediaphilosophy, visual studies, social communications, digital culture, mediatization, cultural identity.

Membership in associations and organizations

International Association of Visual Culture — IAVC, Central and East European Society for Phenomenology — CEESP, Russian Philosophical Society — RPS